Obligatory New Year Post (belated)

I’ve gone back and forth in my mind quite a bit for how I wanted to tackle this… Since I tend to be a little too verbose most of the time and pictures are fun, here is my 2012 in photos:

Peter and the Wolf for the third-graders of Springfield, MO. I am the duck.
Vising New Orleans to present research at a conference.
The last acting role of my college career.
I won a sewing challenge!
Photo scavenger hunt with my lovely RACA family.
I received my bachelor’s degree.
When we get board, we make fancy meals. Impromptu RACA dinner.
Working a summer camp for gifted middle school students. This is the awesome staff.
Another picture from camp. It was a large highlight, so it deserves two photos.
photo (2)
The best goodbye note I’ve ever received, completely full of puns. From my camp family.
photo (1)
First real happy moment in Illinois. After I got caught in a freak rainstorm out of nowhere.
Halloween with boyfriend.
Ugly sweater Christmas with other grad student friends.

So there. That was 2012. I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions. I thought about it, but my mom always said that I shouldn’t wait for the new year to change something; I should start the moment I have the goal. What about you guys? I’d love to hear some of your resolutions and/or goals!

As belated as this is, happy 2013, dear readers.

Burritos, Chivalry, and Awkward Family Conversations

Since I’ve been a good little student lately, I’ve kind of failed in the blog realm. To make up for it, here is the rest of November’s thankfulness list, as well as those stories from my holiday I promised.

Nov. 26: I am thankful for burritos. So as not to sound like a fat ass, I’ll not write any more on this subject.

Nov. 27: I am thankful for the fact that somehow, everything (specifically homework) always gets done on time. I’m never sure how, but it always does.

chivalryNov. 28: I am thankful for chivalry. Ladies, I know it sometimes seem like chivalry is a thing of the past, but today I was reminded that it is alive. It may be hiding in an underground safety base, but it IS alive. The number of doors I opened for myself today was very low. Almost every single gentleman that opened a door for me smiled at my thank you and replied with a “you’re welcome” or “it’s no trouble”. In a moment of frustration, I dropped a couple of books in my hand, and a nice fellow rushed to help me pick them up. ATTENTION NICE GUYS : not all of us take you for granted. Thank you!

Nov. 29: I’ve probably already said this in my list, but it’s worth a repeat. I’m so incredibly thankful for the people around me. They are just wonderful humans. Kind, caring, thoughtful, and inspirational humans. Yesterday evening/this morning were a little rough stress and school wise, and the wonderful people surrounding me made them so much easier.

Nov. 30: I am thankful for Fridays. Dear lord, I am thankful for Fridays. No classes, no homework due, beginning of the weekend, and a breath of fresh air. I mean, I love classes, but a break is always nice. THANK YOU, FRIDAY’S.


Disclaimer: Not my family, but easily could be.
Not my family, but easily could be.
(Courtesy of “Awkward Family Photos”).


You should have gathered by now that I’m…well, weird. And awkward. In a cute way, of course. (I think…) It should come as no surprise to you then, that my family is also weird and awkward. In a good way. Usually. Here are a couple of holiday chuckles.

I’ve elected not to specify who said what, but rest assured that everyone chimed in at least once. Myself included.

1. Conversation: 1 hr. car ride to a neighboring city. Mid-afternoon. In the car: myself, my mother, 2 younger brothers, and 1 younger sister.

    • “I don’t understand the idea of penis envy. I just don’t think it’s very well thought out.”
    • “What do you mean?”
    • “Do you want a penis?”
    • …awkward silence…cue hysterical laughter from entire car
    • “You know what I meant.”
    • “That’s a bit personal.”
    • “What about lesbians? Do they have penis envy?”
    • “They don’t even like penises…”
    • “Wait…uh…are we talking about lesbians? I wasn’t paying attention. I want to be a part of this”
    • “This conversation has gone too far. Subject change.”
    • But I want to talk about lesbians!”

2. Conversation: 3 hr. car ride home from Thanksgiving dinner. Late at night, all tired and full of turkey and pie. In the car: myself, 2 younger brothers, and 1 younger sister.

    • [some random comment that I don’t remember about breasts]

      Cutest. Onesie. Ever.
    • “When you ogle over breasts, do you think about the fact that all women have them. Like your relatives and stuff too?”
    • “Yeah, you’ve sucked on mom’s boobs.”
    • “So have you.”
    • “I wonder how many people have put their mouths on mom’s boobs…?”
    • “I wonder if [her current boyfriend] has put his mouth on her boobs…”
    • “No, they haven’t made it that far yet.”
    • “Don’t be so sure about that.”

We’ll leave it at that for now. Pace yourselves, I’m sure I’ll have some more after Christmas. For now, it’s back to this take home exam that I have no desire to work on. Ugh.

Sweet Tea, Slobbery Dogs, and Thanksgiving

More thankfulness.

Nov. 19: I’m thankful for my advisers and mentors. I got to see a few of them today (some amazing college professors) when I was visiting my Alma mater. I was even asked to give a presentation in a senior seminar class about graduate school. They all had hugs and words of encouragement for me…every single one of them. The mentors I was unable to see, I’m fortunate enough to talk to on a fairly regular basis (although I am lacking in my ability to respond promptly to messages/calls/letters). Bottom line, I am so lucky to have such an amazing group of people behind me, rooting for me to succeed.

Aunt Patty’s Sweet Tea

Nov. 20: I am thankful for my Aunt Patty and Uncle Tim. When I was in Springfield, they were like a second set of parents to me. Always ready with a home-cooked meal, encouragement, sass, and help (especially with my vehicle). I got to see them again yesterday/today. Of course, my aunt had a glass of homemade sweet tea (the way they do it in the south) and fresh cookies waiting when I arrived.

Nov. 21: I am thankful for furry four-legged friends. Sometimes I forget how therapeutic dog snuggles are. It’s always nice to see my lab, Sophie, and the miniature pinscher, Thea. And to be tackled to the ground and covered with slobbery kisses.

Thea, waking me up the way she did every single morning that I was home

Nov. 22: THANKSGIVING DAY! Weeee! I’m thankful for big crazy groups of people who know your buttons and have the capacity to drive you absolutely bonkers but love you despite your flaws and you love them. 19 people at Grandma’s this year. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, significant others.Yep, it was crowded. But it was so nice to see the family I don’t see often enough and catch up on life. BUT, I’m especially thankful for my grandma and grandpa, who are both are so kind and giving. They may be the best people I know. They are the grandparents that send me a card every so often with money and explicit instructions to “order a pizza” instead of using the money on bills. =]

Nov. 23: I am thankful for my car. Trust me, I’ve had experience with unreliable automobiles, and I will never take a working car for granted again. There’s something to be said for knowing you’ll make it to your destination without breaking down on the side of the road. Thank you, Stella.

Nov. 24: I’m thankful today for productivity. Since I didn’t do any of the homework I set out to do over the break (who ever does, seriously?), I’ve been forced to cram it all into one weekend. And so far, this is going moderately well. Fingers crossed for the rest of the next two weeks.

Nov. 25: I am thankful for girl time. Hadn’t had any in a week, and finally got some last night with Jenny. I feel refreshed =]

And now, it’s back the grindstone for the homework. Never really ends, does it? 3 weeks till Christmas break! Stories from the break sometime later this week (when I need to procrastinate again).

Chocolate, sleep, and crazy families

Hey readers…

I realize this is a little bit late (give me a break from classes, and I take a break from all the things!), but here is the next batch of things I’m thankful for.

Nov. 12: I am thankful for impromptu gatherings. I need to keep reminding myself not to take those for granted because graduate school may be the last time that is a feasible opportunity. As time goes on, scheduling social things becomes more necessary. Tonight, we got a group together for Moe Monday [best idea EVER] and I had a delicious (and cheap!) burrito with an amazing group of people.

Nov. 13: I am thankful for my apartment. It’s become a kind of safe haven for me. Some nights, there’s nothing better than disappearing and becoming a social hermit. While I love being around people, I’m more of an introvert in that I “recharge my batteries” by being alone. And I was really fortunate to find such a good place for such low monthly rent.

Nov. 14: I am thankful for sleep. Sleeping might be my number one favorite thing to do. And I wish I got to do it more, but I am glad for the time that I get. It’s probably for the better anyhow…if I were left entirely to my own devices, I would probably sleep 11-12 hours each night.

Nov. 15: CHOCOLATE. It heals all wounds. I really don’t think any more needs to be said.

Nov. 16: I am thankful for boyfriend. Just gonna brag for a minute: he brought me lunch today and surprised me with a sweet tea (which I love). He does nice things like that a lot, and it surprises me every time. He’s pretty good at knowing when I’m not feeling the greatest, even now from across the country. He’s pretty neat. I won’t say any more than that so I can avoid becoming one of those people I hate, gushing about their significant other all the time.

Nov. 17: I am thankful for breaks. Even though I had to work today, I know I’ve got a nice long week of no work or school ahead of me. Actually to be honest, I already kind of miss school (and the weekend’s not even over yet)! Buuut, I think that’s just typical break anxiety. i.e. What will my family fight about this year? How long before the annual screaming argument? How long before I’m longing for BloNo? (For the record, I’m longing for BloNo as of tonight, as I’m typing this. I’m also wondering how long I have to stay here before I can get away with leaving early. I love my family, but I really hate the…situation here.)

Nov. 18: I am thankful for familiarity. As I neared Springvegas, I felt this wave of comfort just pass over me. It’s nice to be in a place where you know the people and the places. It’s disappointing that I have less than 48 hours here before I have to go to my mom’s house (in a completely different city).

So there you have it: more thankfulness. I’m typing this on Wednesday night (really Thursday morning). I guess it’s technically Thanksgiving now. I promise I’ll be on time next Sunday, and I’ll have good stuff to share from  the craziness that is my family. The list has already started, so prepare yourselves.

Politics, Yoga, and Dog-Shaming

I may or may not have been using this blog post as an excuse to procrastinate writing a paper that was due this morning. Fret not, the paper was finished and submitted. But it took me a heck of a lot longer to write it than it should have, and this post has been taking an absurd amount of time…. Whoops!

Anyhow, here’s what I was thankful for this week:

Nov. 5: I am thankful for opportunities. Most of us are given a lot more than we realize (and probably more than we deserve). Even on the most frustrating days, graduate school and my teaching assistantship are things I never imagined I could do in my wildest dreams. But I was presented these awesome opportunities, and I’m so glad I seized them.

Some BA ladies.

Nov. 6: I am thankful for my right to vote. I typically hate politics and I hate election season, but I do like my rights. Shout out to Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and my suffragist sisters who fought for that. And because everybody loves a good parody….check this out: Bad Romance: Women’s Suffrage. [Feminism is fun!]

Nov. 7: I am SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL for the election outcome. I was finally able to sleep last night after the election. Knowing there is a president who trusts women to make decisions about their own health and birth control with their doctors as opposed to male politicians and employers puts a girl’s mind at ease, ya know? Knowing that the President supports equal pay for women and equal rights makes me feel safer. Kudos to Missouri for re-electing McCaskill over Akin [who, in case you live in a cave, said on television that women rarely get pregnant from “legitimate rape”….I could go on about that one for a while, but I’ll refrain.] I’m exhilarated that another 3 states have chosen marriage equality and that Minnesota successfully defended marriage equality. That women gained 3 seats in the Senate this year. Represent!

Nov. 8: Today, I am thankful for two things: 1. The past [shitty as some of it is, I’ve learned a lot from it and it’s gotten me to where I am today] and 2. Wine [a glass…or two…or three…can make things a lot more bearable].

This has nothing to do with my post, but I think it’s hilarious. Check out the dog-shaming tumblr!

Nov. 9: I am thankful for new friends. Today was a good social day in BloNo. Shopping with Nicole [new coats = yay!], pool with a cool crowd [Jenny, I was serious about those lessons so I can start winning!], and movie night with boyfriend. It’s crazy to think that I’ve known these people for less than 3 months. It feels like it has to have been longer than that. I’m absolutely blessed to have so many wonderful people around me.

Nov. 10: I am thankful for old friends. I don’t see or talk to them as much as I’d like, but that doesn’t make them any less important to me. Old ridiculous inside jokes (even when we really don’t even understand where they came from anymore), memories, sharing successes, and helping each other through low moments…I really appreciate you guys.

Nov. 11: I am thankful for yoga. I seriously don’t know what I’d do without it. I am making a conscious decision right now to spend more time in my yoga practice and working towards my goals. Next one is here: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana IV (or King Pigeon Pose – Leg Extended). After that, I’m going for this one: Vrischika Asana (or Scorpion Pose in Handstand). The online Yoga Journal is a great place to find challenges like these, as well as step by step instructions for meeting them safely.

More dog shaming. Because I can.

That’s it for today folks. Next Sunday I’ll share more thankfulness with you, as well as some awkward family Thanksgiving stories. Prepare yourselves. If last year’s debate between cousins about the differences in genitals between a lion and lioness (and potential reasons for missing…erm…male parts), culminating in a chorus of my sister and male cousins repeatedly singing “there’s a skeeter on my peter, whack it off!”, then you’re in for a real treat. But I love my family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.